If you can keep your head when all about you are loosing theirs...make jam!

Well, I thought I'd head up to the allotment today for a bit of a break. After chewing the cud over last nights events with my neighbour, he headed off to pick a marrow to make his marrow and ginger jam. I tried this a couple of years ago, but made a bit much and got fed up of it. Maybe I'll try again this year if I've got a glut of marrows. I've got a recipe for chilli jam I pulled out the paper to try when I get a spare moment.

I, however, had a weeding and planting marathon on my hands. I managed to completely weed one bed and get 40 or so leeks in. I had a few stray tomato plants in the bed which had self seeded from the compost I presume. Now, how is it that these self seeded beasts were bigger than all my tomatoe plants put together? Seriously, they were massive but had to come out

I managed to turn the top half of the compost heap today too. I only did the top half as the bottom is ready for spreading but I thought I'd leave that for now.

I then had my new arrival of 100 Brassicas to get in. Dutifully the sun came out which helped me but didn't help the plants. Some had gone a bit mushy in the post which was a shame but I stuck them in and crossed my fingers. I put in 7 Hills Brussels, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Red Sprouts, Spring Greens and Greyhound Cabbage. I had hoped they would fill my gaps in my brassica bed, and I wasn't disappointed! I was struggling for space to get them all in. Being a strictly 4 year rotation freak, I wouldn't just put them anywhere, they had to go in the Brassica section. After a bit more weeding they were all in. Won't be popping up tonight to give them another water which is a shame, but been advised to batten down the hatches and stay in, so fingers crossed I'll get up tomorrow and give them a drink.

I had to pull up a lot of my nasturtiums to make space. It's such a shame, but they really do go mad on my plot. I often wonder if I should give up the veg and just grow flowers and weeds...they grow really well and I could be a step closer to that smallholding I crave if I could find a wholesaler to take all my bindweed!

My strimmer broke today too. Just stopped for some reason! I'll put the battery on charge tonight and see if a rest for a couple of days will aid its recovery.

How the time flew...as always. I didn't take lunch as I didn't think I was going to be that long so I had to settle for strawberries and raspberries - it's a hard life!

Fingers crossed for the strimmers recovery and that the brassicas take.

Potatoes coming out next. Hopefully tomorrow! Must remember the camera.


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