Herb Garden

The idea of having a herb area outside the kitchen door has always been something I wanted. At our allotment, we grew some amazing herbs in car tyres. They grew huge and loved their position. Oregano, chives, thyme, mint, rosemary, Egyptian walking onions meant we had a continuous supply of herbs for food and (very importantly) drinks, however, it wasn't ideal having them at the allotment. We couldn't just pop outside to get them as and when we needed. 

 We were quick to mark this area as our herb garden. When we moved in, we were given sage, rosemary, mint and lemon thyme (which is great with a bruschetta by the way) which we planted in the trough and sink. 

I cleared the wall this week to allow us to get the sage, oregano and thyme from the allotment in the wall. There was a tonne of bindweed running just below the surface. I think we'll be at war with it for a good few years! We're hoping that this area will have a Mediterranean feel to it come the summer. Being next to the decking, it should be super fragrant which will be lovely in the evenings

I've popped a second rosemary in the trough, and I brought myself a bay tree to finish the herb area off. I split the oregano into three but left the others as they were. 

In the greenhouse, I have basil seeds planted to keep us in basil through the winter. That will go outside in the spring along with parsley which I'll plant next year.  

Fingers crossed all the transplants make it and survive the winter. 


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