It's Half Term - Part 3

Given that it's still October, and I've just prepared my new vegetable garden, I thought I'd try and see whether any late sowings would come to fruition.

Alongside the greenhouse I've made up a small cold frame out of a couple of spare panes of glass (for some reason I had an extra pane in the delivery - and, no, there are no gaps in the greenhouse).

I took a chance on Thompson and Morgans 'lucky dip' perennials - 12 for about £5.99. These are all potted on for the winter and with a little protection over the cold months they should be good to go in the garden in the spring.

So what did I get in my 'lucky dip'? Some I've never heard of, and others I'm more familiar with.

I've also popped some Nigella seeds in pots outside to overwinter ready for spring.

Inside the greenhouse, I've planted basil seeds (lemon and red leaved), Spring Greens, White Lisbon spring onions, All the Year Round Cauliflower, Spinach Matador and Bright Lights Swiss Chard. Sweet peas are in pots to overwinter. I'm going to see what happens and get them outside once they've germinated.

I'll keep you posted on how things go. 


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