1st June Update

I've had 9 months (almost) since I took over my new garden and I thought it was time to look at a before and after picture.

The first image is once we took down the large trees. Unfortunately, I haven't got any of before we started any work which is a shame.

The second is this morning in the glorious sunshine looking magnificent.

We're currently self sufficient in cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, spring onions, broad beans, herbs and, of course, eggs.

Garlic will be harvested in a couple of weeks and I've already pulled up the last of the spinach that was sown last year - it bolted but went to the chickens so not a waste.

Currently in the ground are onions, peas, French beans, soya beans, parsnip, carrot, beetroot, lettuce, sweet corn, tomatoes, courgette, several squashes, cucumber, and an array of brassicas.

I'm growing potatoes in bags and hope to do the same with my sweet potatoes. Ive never grown sweet potatoes so its a first for me. In the greenhouse are tomatoes, melons, aubergine, chilli and cucumbers. My indoor lettuce and salad leaves have finished now and i need every inch of space.

All the fruit I transplanted from the allotment has survived and each has a small abundance of berries. I'm happy that they put their efforts into roots rather than fruit this year. Rhubarb is struggling a bit...but I'm confident that it will be back in force next year.

I brought 6 raspberry canes last autumn but only one cane survived the winter. The late frost checked a lot of growth, including one of my Apple trees. It also put pay to a lot of seeds in the greenhouse, not to mention my fuschias! My plan for tomato sowing went out the window with the frost too!

I'm still successionally sowing and will be getting ready for fennel and more spinach after the longest day.

I've had huge success with carrots - I didn't get the chance to water them enough at the allotment but at home they're coming on a treat. Peas have been a bit tempramental with a poor germination so I've decided to purge my seed box and throw out all my very old seeds. I've had no success with celery...didnt even germinate which spurned me on with this.

Yesterday I painted the decking so I'm off to sit on it with a cup of tea and read the June GYO magazine in the sunshine ready to form more plans for the next couple of weeks.


  1. Now that's what I call progress! Looks fantastic, well done. What variety of garlic are you growing? We've got Extra Early Wight in, which I think will be ready before too long as well.

    1. Had to cut down on how much I planted this year as I wasn't sure how much space I'd have so I just have Iberian and Lautrec Wight in this year. About 3 weeks and they'll be ready to harvest - "in by the shortest day,
      Out by the longest day" is my garlic motto. Ready to make room for my fennel to go in it's place.

    2. Had to cut down on how much I planted this year as I wasn't sure how much space I'd have so I just have Iberian and Lautrec Wight in this year. About 3 weeks and they'll be ready to harvest - "in by the shortest day,
      Out by the longest day" is my garlic motto. Ready to make room for my fennel to go in it's place.


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